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For your business to be competitive, you need a cutting-edge IT network. In today’s world, that means shifting to cloud computing. You shouldn’t be spending money on a wasteful, outdated infrastructure. This comes with hefty up-front costs like physical hardware and software as well as expensive long-term maintenance.

Cloud computing eliminates much of these costs. It also improves performance, with features like mobile network solutions that make it possible for you and your team to stay connected remotely. A smart network will reduce expenses, generate a strong return on investment (ROI) and drive profits – which you can reinvest in your business.

In addition to providing you a network that’s up-to-date, we’ll implement an IT infrastructure that’s built to withstand online threats to your business. Without the right security policies, your data is in jeopardy. We’ll safeguard your information from data breaches and cyber crime through our firewall and endpoint security services, patch management, encryption, and advanced threat protection.

We’ll also provide data backup and disaster recovery services, so you’ll be protected from unforeseen events like equipment failures, power outages, and natural disasters. A downed network can have serious ramifications on your business and your clients.

Finally, TCom Networks can bring your company the comprehensive technology of a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system. This system will work seamlessly with your cloud system and allow you to make calls right from your computer or smart device. With no additional hardware, you’ll be able to manage your business’s communication from any smart device or computer.

Contact TCom Networks today for a solution that best suits YOUR needs.